experienced teacher, Mother, Opportunist

Although I consider myself an introvert, I’ve always looked for opportunities. I went to college 3,000 miles from home without knowing a soul. I received a Masters Degree in Education after teaching in England and the inner city of Chicago. My first home was in an “up and coming”, but still risky area of the city, and went back to school at 43 to become a Montessori teacher. I have travelled to Europe multiple times without reservations or plans, sometimes alone, sometimes with a friend.

I’m a life-long learner and constant seeker of personal growth – for myself and my kids!

Eternal Optimist

I question, research, listen to my gut, try new things, make mistakes and keep going.  

I have been a teacher for over 20 years in both public & Montessori schools. Completing my Masters in Curriculum and instruction allowed me to lead training sessions for teachers and coach them in classrooms.

I have been a mom for 17 of those years and some days, I am still brought to my knees with questions about how to parent my two boys. I do not always have the answers, but I fight like a mother to find them. 

Out of the Box Thinker? Definitely.

My thinking has always been and will always be a little unorthodox. I question the choices of main stream society, dig deeper, and always do things a little differently than the norm. 

I was unhappy with a public education for my children and found a way to put them into a  Montessori school by following my interests and becoming a Montessori teacher myself!

What You Will Find Here:

A little bit of everything about living a simpler, more creative life with your family. I will share our trials and triumphs of living with ADHD. There will be lots of tried and true ideas to unplug your kids and explore nature. You’ll see how we satisfy our love for reading and creating. I’ll share how we extend and enrich our learning process after school and on the weekends. 

Where Else Can You Find Me? 

