Limiting Cell Phone Use in Kids With ADHD
Having a hard time limiting cellphone use for your ADHD kid? Or wondering when to get them a smartphone? This article gives you advice you can use today to help your kid learn to responsibly use a cell phone. Tried and true tips from a mom of two adhd boys!
7 Awesome Podcasts for Parenting ADHD
I am podcast junky. I’ve listened to loads of parenting podcasts over the past year and I’ve found 7 awesome…
Showing Empathy to Kids With ADHD
We parents of ADHD kids can often feel defeated without a clue how to parent our kids. These ideas have been the most successful ones for me and my two boys with ADHD.
Raising Will: A Book Review for ADHD Families
Raising an ADHD kiddo automatically puts you into a tribe – a tribe of tough, brilliant mamas and papas….
Ten reasons my 7th grader does not have a cell phone
To be honest, I was a little afraid to hit PUBLISH for this post. It might be a bit…
What can we learn from a great reader?
Many ADHD kids struggle to become readers and usually schools are of little help. Fancy programs are developed to…