How to Help Your angry adhd child
This is Part Two in a series about all the things you can do as a parent, to help…
This is Part Two in a series about all the things you can do as a parent, to help…
As Parents of ADHD kids, we can be blindsided by their behavior. Outbursts can come out of know where,…
These ADHD resources will be so helpful to you and your children. See what we have found to be the best of the best for treating the symptoms of ADHD.
Sometimes getting help for your ADHD parenting can seem like a pipe dream. There are so many things for…
Sometimes, keeping your ADHD Kids busy over the summer and off a screen is about having a few of the right things on hand. This list of Summer Ideas for ADHD Kids will help you find a few awesome things for easy summer fun.
ADHD Mamas are a special bunch. There’s no doubt about that. We’re willing to give up following the norm…
Feeling defeated as an ADHD Parent?. I get it! Riding the roller coaster that is ADHD Parenting is hard. These tips help me get through the rough times and find joy in being a parent to my amazing, ADHD kiddo
I made a lot of mistakes parenting my adhd child. I did what I knew – doling out lots of consequences for bad behavior. And it just didn’t work – ever. I have told this story so many times about how I learned to parent my adhd kiddo without consequences.
There are many, many things that can done to help your child be successful at school. Getting a 504 with individualized accommodations is a great start. Having this ADHD accommodations checklist at hand can be a life saver.
Raising an ADHD kiddo automatically puts you into a tribe – a tribe of tough, brilliant mamas and papas….