7 Awesome Podcasts for Parenting ADHD

I am podcast junky. I’ve listened to loads of parenting podcasts over the past year and I’ve found 7 awesome podcasts for parenting ADHD. You can really learn a lot in a short amount of time if you listen to the right ones.
Update: There are more than 7! I keep adding to the list as I discover new awesome podcasts for ADHD Parents. Enjoy and let me know if I’ve missed one of your favorites!
To be honest these podcasts have been saving my butt! Parenting a child with ADHD can be so isolating. It’s so comforting to hear from people who are having the same parenting ups and downs as you.
These podcasts have been so influential on my road to learning a whole new way to parent, I am so grateful for the information and support they provide. I’ve noted a few of my favorite individual podcasts, but don’t stop there. Each of these podcasts have loads of super helpful episodes. In no particular order, here are what I consider to be the best podcasts for parenting ADHD.
Finding Your Brilliance Podcast
Katherine Quie, author of Raising Will, Surviving the Brilliance and the Blues of ADHD, has a great podcast! Her down to earth, super informative style has me waiting on the edge of my seat for her next show.
I love her interview with her own son, as well as her episode where I get to spill the beans on my ADHD parenting adventure.
Tilt Parenting Podcast
Hosted by Debbie Reber, this podcast gives so much support to parents who are raising differently wired kids. I don’t know how it took me so long to find this one. You will totally want to binge listen! Debbie covers a wide variety of topics, all centered around raising differently wired kids.
My faves: #106 – an interview with the author of one of all time favorite #96 and #97 with Seth Perler, a master at getting kids to learn how to organize themselves for school and beyond.
Beautifully Complex Podcast with Penny Williams
I love Penny’s take on parenting a kids with ADHD. She gave me the permission to throw out lots of the parenting books that I tried to keep making work for me. Real life stuff here presented with compassion.
My favorite episodes: # 26: How to Create a Parenthood That Works for Raising Kids with ADHD by Ignoring Traditional Parenting Norms, #21 Unique Learners with Susan Cresswell, #15 Behavior is Only a Symptom
Parenting Your Challenging Child podcast
Ross Greene, author of ” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”> Raising Human Beings hosts a monthly radio talk show where he addresses both live callers and emails. Hands down, Dr. Greene’s philosophy of Collaborative Problem Solving has had more of a positive effect on our family than any other expert out there.
Each show is a smorgasbord of topics all centered around parenting your challenging child.These episodes are filled with real parents and real problems all with thoughtful advice from Dr. Greene and the moms who run his Facebook group. I always get great tips and information, no matter which episode I listen to.
Faster Than Normal Podcast
I first heard of Peter Shankman when he was on an episode of the Tilt Parenting Podcast and was immediately impressed by his positive point of view. Shankman interviews successful adults with ADHD and discusses the positives of the diagnosis. Listen in if you need a pick me up – and what parent doesn’t!
My favorite episodes: #94 with Susy Parker, mom and podcaster who takes an incredibly positive approach to parenting a kiddo with ADHD. #50 with Tony Robbins – so powerful and positive.
Distraction Podcast with Dr. Ned Hallowell
I can’t believe it took me so long to find out about Ned Hallowell. He is the author of #35 “Just Let Boys Play”, episode #29 Empowering Parents with Personalized Resources for Kids, and #30 Achieve More With A Growth Mindset.
Wellness Mama Podcast
Not specifically about ADHD, this podcast is all about healthy living and family wellness. Katie Wells covers topics ranging from food to meditation to supplements. All of her podcasts include very practical tips you can put into place immediately. Because I see the huge effect that healthy food has on my ADHD kids, I love to stay on top the latest on the wellness front.
There are so many super episodes, but I especially love: #160: What the heck Should I Actually Eat with Dr. Mark Hyman, #137: A Holistic Rx for Keeping Your Whole Family Healthy, #133: GMO’s, Glyphosate and What’s Making Our Children Sick
Zen Parenting Radio
Cathy and Todd are a married couple (raising three girls) and talk a lot about caring for yourself as a parent. Their advice is real and so relevant in this modern age. Cathy’s book, Zen Parenting, makes my list of favorite ADHD Parenting
I love the Rethinking and Unlearning episode – because that is what we have to do with a lot of our old, out-dated, parenting beliefs. The Teaching Responsibility episode talks about teaching kids to be responsible for yourself and also ask for help – a big idea for raising tweens and teens.
Do you have any favorite podcasts that are helping you to manage family life? Please let us know in the comments. I am always interested to hear from you.
Want more on ADHD?
You might find these helpful:
Read about how amazing a weighted blanket is for sleep, here.
Create a great bedtime routine. Read about how to do it here.
Here’s how to make a great breakfast for your ADHD Kiddo.
Have a reluctant reader with ADHD? Here’s how to help.
Thank you so much for including TiLT Parenting in your round up 🙂 So glad you found us!
Hi Debbie, you got to me before I could send you a special thank you. I LOVE your podcast and it has been so helpful for me as I parent two differently wired boys. Keep up the awesome work – I know you are helping so many people!
🙂 Thanks Beth!
I would love you input on how you chose the right school for your child with ADHD. My son was diagnosed w/ADHD; he’s 7, in 2nd grade and struggling w/ the high expectations, etc. We can’t afford private schools…and unfortunately it seems that only private schools fully understand what a child w/ ADHD needs to succeed in the school setting. We have a 504 plan, but it doesn’t change the difficult curriculum/ almost impossible expectations for my little guy…it’s clearly starting to effect his self esteem and motivation. I thought if anyone could give me guidance, it would be a loving mother like you since you’ve clearly done extensive research to help your family and I commend you for that. Thank you for sharing your posts/blogs/ pins to help mothers like myself to take some of the daunting and countless hours of research away. Any advice for the right school setting/curriculum is most appreciated.
Rachele, Thanks for your note. I agree with you on the private school front. I’d say a Montessori school is a great place. But my advice is to NEVER settle until you think they are doing everything right at the school your son is in now. IF you need an advocate to help you get what you need, hire one(even a fellow mom who has been through it). Talk with your son’s teachers and let them know everything that works for him and everything that doesn’t. The school has an obligation to you and to your son. Have you thought of home schooling? You need one person inside the school to fight for you, if necessary. Figure out who that is and work primarily with them. It might be a social worker, psychologist or teacher. Meet regularly to assess if the 504 is working and make changes as necessary. In the end, you decide what is right for your child – don’t force homework on him, do what you can home to help with anxiety. It’s a hard road but there are lots of us on it with you!! Let me know if any of these suggestions sound like they’ll work.
Yes, thank you, this is helpful. Homeschooling is not an option because my husband and I both work full time. I haven’t considered montessori yet, so I will look into that option. The school my son currently attends is known for working a grade level ahead…I asked if adjustments could be made to the curriculum, such as, only 20 spelling words a week opposed to 30 (realistic for a second grader even w/out ADHD), but unless I have an IEP (the school will only qualify him for a 504), then they won’t make changes to the curriculum. In AZ it’s either public, charter or private…so I have options as long as I’m willing to drive and/or pay. An advocate may be the next route to go. My little guy is just overwhelmed by how much there is…he also has 1.5 hours of homework each night too. I’m going to start pushing back and see what happens…besides, it can’t get any worse.
Sounds like you have more choices than we do in IL…we only have one choice for public…exercise your right to choose what works for you. If you can find a school with more reasonable demands or work the 504 to accommodate for them, that would be great. Many experts agree that any school who can not get the work done in the 6 hours allotted, should be ashamed of themselves. I agree. A 2nd grader should be coming home and heading to play outside. Our therapist acted as our advocate and it’s often covered by insurance. Also, have your son at the 504 meeting. You want him to voice his concerns and make sure he buys in to any accommodations – otherwise they are not worth making. Don’t be afraid to go to the principal or superintendent if you need to. I am sure there are many parents who feel the same way, but who just won’t speak up. Go Mama, Go!!
Hey Beth! We connected in 2018, but I wanted to reach out, to let you know, how thankful I am. I appreciate you taking the time to share your story with me. You listened to me when I really needed someone to help me by understanding my situation. I wanted to give you an update and let you know that our family sold our home and moved to be closer to a school that accommodates children with ADHD (he has an IEP w/ only being issued a 504 at his public school). We have seen a tremendous difference in our sons’s self-esteem and confidence (less self destruction and negative talk/feeling. Finding the right school has felt similar to him having a second chance in life! He has now developed a new found love of learning and we have been able to keep him off medication (a goal for us now, since he is only 8 years old…too early for us, but I respect anyone who goes this route. It’s a very personal choice). He’s met children who are similar to him and we’ve met parents who we can relate to and understand us. Thank you again for your support!
Hi Rachele!!! Yes, I remember! WOW. You are so amazing. What a gift you are to your son. And now you are reaping the rewards along with him. I am thrilled to hear how well he is doing – and you are doing. The school experience can be so pivotal and it’s wonderful to hear there are good schools out there. Can I share your comment in an upcoming newsletter? It is so inspirational.
We moved my younger son back to Montessori instead of going to our local middle school and I am so glad – it’s worth every ounce of the financial sacrifice we are making!
I love that you made a huge choice like that – it is such a great example of really looking at all the things you can do to help an ADHD child. Bravo, mama!! Not everyone can move to get to a better school, but I think we can all make a better effort or a different effort within whatever system our kids are in.
Thanks so much for sharing this!
Absolutely! Please feel free to share. I completely understand the importance of connecting with other families who are learning how to support a child with ADHD. The private school that we enrolled our son in has also helped our family connect with organizations on how to ask for tax credit donations (dollar for dollar) to help us pay for his schooling. So there are definitely options as well. Thank you again Beth for all of your support and for connecting with me. I’m looking forward to staying connected throughout our journey in raising confident healthy and dynamic children, with ADHD.
ADDitude magazine’s expert webinars (published as a podcast) have changed my life.
Yes, they are awesome!!! I listen in my car on the way to work. Thanks for sharing.