The Best Resources for Parenting ADHD
These ADHD resources will be so helpful to you and your children. See what we have found to be the best of the best for treating the symptoms of ADHD.
These ADHD resources will be so helpful to you and your children. See what we have found to be the best of the best for treating the symptoms of ADHD.
This timer is a must have for ADHD kids. With its visual swath of red, your child will be able to become a more independent learner and move from activity to activity.
There are many, many things that can done to help your child be successful at school. Getting a 504 with individualized accommodations is a great start. Having this ADHD accommodations checklist at hand can be a life saver.
ADHD kids can have candy and these ADHD friendly treat options have ingredients you can feel better about.
Protein is such an important mood stabilizing, brain boosting nutrient for our ADHD Kids. In this post, I focus…
Healing without harming – this is the story of how we are treating ADHD without drugs. Read our whole story of 7 years of whats working and what is not.
Wondering how to shop for an ADHD diet for kids? See exactly what went into my cart – and how much it cost_ for an entire month. These groceries fed my family of four with two adhd teenagers for an entire month.
This is such an easy hack to make super healthy cookies using a cookie mix! Filled with all sorts of stuff that’s great for my two boys with ADHD, these cookies go in lunches and serve as an after school snack – even breakfast on the go!
We ADHD Mamas have a lot to learn from each other. Meet Kristina of Marvelously Set Apart, a mom of three kiddos, one with ADHD and autism. She shares her story and what she has learned over the years while raising an amazing kid with ADHD.
This is part Two of our ADHD Story and our journey from treating ADHD with medications to 100% natural…